On Tuesday mornings, we have Math Groups where children focus on different skills. Children played a game called "Bulls Eye" where 5 paper clips are tossed towards different targets and can score in the 100's, 10's, or 1's. Students add up their scores on a data sheet…and are adding very large numbers!
April 9th at 6:00pm
Mark your calendars!
You may have heard of the "last great race on earth" from your second grader! We are studying the Iditarod race which takes place every year on the first Saturday in March. Through our study of the Iditarod, we are learning about Alaska's landscape, weather, and geography. We are all tracking a musher as we follow the race on the website Iditarod.com. The children are so excited to see each checkpoint their musher and dogs have reached, we can even tell when our musher and dogs are taking a well-needed break!

As part of this unit of study, Mrs. Magida organized an amazing experience for our students. We had a sled dog team visit our school! We learned many interesting facts about sled dogs and had the opportunity to pet siberian huskies, pull a sled and ride in a sled as well! So fun!!!