We have earned Stuffy Day! On Monday, December 18th, children are invited to bring a stuffed animal to school. They have really worked hard at being respectful, responsible and safe during our school day. Then, on Wednesday, we are having our second cultural study workshop in the morning and in the afternoon we are caroling through town with all of the kindergarten classes at 1:00. On Thursday, we are all watching The Polar Express movie and having hot chocolate, children can wear pajamas on this day! School is not in session on Friday and we return on January 2nd. Have a wonderful vacation!
We continue with our study of the night sky. We looked at a bunch of constellations on the big screen and then designed our own using toothpicks and marshmallows. We also reviewed moon phases and used the inside of an oreo cookie to show a full moon waning into quarter moon, crescent moon and finally a new moon!
We have been fascinated by our night sky, the moon and stars, the sun, planets, satellites, black holes, rocket ships... So much to think about! Some interesting facts we have learned about the moon this past week are: the dark spots on the moon are made of basalt, and were most likely created by volcanoes! The moon is also made up of granite (the lighter parts). The moon orbits the earth and when the moon is the closest to planet earth it is called a Super Moon. We are having a Super moon this Sunday, December 3rd. We are all going to try and look at it this weekend! We had fun creating our own moon for our classroom. We used foil print painting to create craters, hills and valleys on our paper plate moons.