We have had an awesome first week of school together; so many new faces, new routines, activities, things to learn! Our week began with a great read a-loud; "Chicka Chicka Boom-Boom". This is a story about some rather adventurous letters who climb up a coconut tree. We made coconut trees in our classroom, with coconuts and palm leaves, and the letters of our names. We even passed around a coconut, shook it to listen to the coconut water inside and then tried to open with a hammer! Mr. Gresham, our school custodian, did the final blows and opened it for us. We taste tested both the fruit and sweet water!

We practiced writing letters in shaving cream and read another story "The Letters are Lost". During our Math time, we were introduced to different math work places. We explored polydrons, geo-boards, unifix cubes, pattern blocks and penny mats. We learned about Number Corner, a daily routine that teaches and reinforces many different number skills and concepts.
We spent a lot of time learning about our classroom expectations. We read two "David" books and talked about expected and unexpected behaviors. We brainstormed ideas about how we can choose to behave in order to have a safe and happy day in school. We made pictures of David and agreed on our classroom rules. As you can see, we have had a busy week here in Kindergarten. Enjoy the three day weekend!